What students are saying about the courses...

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Up-Cycle Your Bed Linen Using Dye And Prints

Browse through this selection of online courses to find the one that answers your specific questions.
These courses are a blended experience of reading, pictures, video and projects to try for yourself. Look out for the ones with stars that my students have voted as their favorites.
Dip Dyeing In Detail
Dip Dyeing or Ombre trends on the catwalks an in the Bridal markets season after season. Let me teach you how to create this chic technique that creates a soft bleed of colour from one shade to another.
Fabric Dye or Fabric Paint ... Which to choose and why
Do YOU know whether to use fabric paint or fabric dye for your project? When you understand the difference between the two products, you can make more informed choices about which one you should be using for your specific needs.
Lino Block Printing On Fabric For Beginners
The power to move from idea......to finished cloth in a day."Great jumpstart to learning and using new skills!" Robin Wingo"My friend and I gave it a try and were so happy with the prints! You're a star!!!" Lisa Lau"As young designer wanting to ma...
The Basics Of Tie Dye With Reactive Dyes
Learn how to get great results that are vibrant and bright and last wash after wash.
Natural Dye or Mandmade Dye... which to choose and why
Natural dye or manmade dye... which to choose and why. This online course explores the benefits and drawbacks of working with both.
Dyeing Flat Colour In A Pot On The Stove
This online course will teach you how to dye a smooth flat color on your fabrics. Are you frustrated with your blotchy results? This online course will save you from the costs of early failures.