Unlock infinite possibility...

You will never look at your kitchen the same way again! And you will be able to print your own fabrics and papers with your own patterns without spending money on expensive equipment.

  • Use resources you already have

    This online course will teach you a new way to use the resources you already have in surprising new ways, to create textures and prints on your fabrics and papers.

  • Are you waiting for one day when?

    "One day when I have enough money and equipment, I will start to print on fabric." With the help of this online course, today can be the day.

  • What students are saying...

    "I have just added two images to my fashion portfolio if you want to go and have a look! It might not be mind-boggling printwork (its just stripes), but please know that they were little stripes inspired by your class. I feel that I have to share with you one of the things that you said at the class that made a huge impact on me, were that people have been printing for ages, not just since the industrial revolution, and that before that everything had to be done by hand. As a small business, it can be so disheartening when one cannot afford the techniques that you think are the only ways to create something... I also now apply that type of thinking in other parts of my life (for example when we experience power cuts). Just being conscious about the fact that people still survived and worked without all our technologies/wads of cash, injects just the needed energy when needed!!” Marle Coetzee.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Learn to view your ordinary world through extraordinary new eyes
  • 2

    Learning to view everyday items through new eyes

    • Interactive game to play
  • 3

    The basic technique

    • Equipment
    • How to print the fabric or paper
    • Color suggestions
    • Print placement
  • 4

    Different materials that you can print with

    • Printing materials from nature
    • Printing materials from your garbage bin
    • Printing materials from your kitchen
    • Printing materials from your car
    • Printing materials from things you wear
    • Other random items that you might enjoy
  • 5

    Printing on paper

    • Perfect for kids of all ages
  • 6

    Printing on fabric

    • Selecting the correct fabrics to print on
    • How to heat set the paint so it is wash fast
  • 7

    eBooks to download

    • Printing with found objects - One
    • Printing with found objects - Two
  • 8

    Groups to join

    • Facebook Groups where you can meet other artists working with these techniques
  • 9

    The next step from here...

    • Learn to make your own hand carved stamps
  • 10

    To claim your certificate

    • How to claim your certificate of completion

Discounted price

This online course is available at this very special price for a limited time only.

Would you like to print your own patterns and designs?

Learn how to make hand carved stamps for printing your own designs in any color, at any time.

Take a look