Together we can do more!

The Up-Cycled Cloth Collective is on a mission to shift the way people value and perceive textiles and fiber waste.

  • Safe learning environments

    We co-create safe learning environments where our members enjoy equal opportunities to share their ideas and projects without fear of judgment or bullying. Our pro-active members volunteer on our Admin Team to co-create a quality experience for everyone.

  • We invite information sharing

    We invite our members to ask questions and offer answers. By sharing collective experiences we inspire others to try. We cultivate an environment of mindfulness and kindness.

  • Encouragement is our super power

    Our community does not focus on creating a moral high ground. We focus on sharing ideas that have worked for us, in the hopes that it will inspire others to try too. We believe that Encouragement will fuel the growth of our cause and we cheer each other on in success and through challenges.

Course curriculum

Together we can do more

Your financial contribution helps me to pay some bills so that I can spend more time growing the community. Thank you for supporting the crowd fund to enable me to do more.

Do you have the capacity and generosity to do more?

If you feel you would like to give me a really meaningful contribution that I can do a little more with, click through to the link below...

Contribute $100